Free Like a Bird 2

3 days


from17 November 2023 : 10:00
to19 November 2023 : 17:00

Moving freely through life like a bird in the sky, who wouldn’t want that? Sometimes this way, sometimes over there, going with the flow of life.


Free like a bird edition 1 was a celebration of light and the logical sequel is “Free like a bird 2”. In any case, you do not need to have participated in the first edition to enter edition 2!

Moving freely through life like a bird in the sky, who wouldn’t want that? Sometimes this way, sometimes over there, going with the flow of life.

As you can release more and more old beliefs, stuck emotions and limiting thoughts, you will naturally start to feel better your authentic life flow out of your body.

In this weekend, we work with different techniques such as leyline healing, universal constellation work, meditations, Cosmic flow exercises, and create a safe space to authentically express what is alive within us, often also what has long been hidden away. As a result, you release energetic blockages naturally and your life energy can flow more freely.

Like a free bird, you now take responsibility for the small and big choices in your life, which you make from a deeper connection with who you really are.

And of course, there is plenty of time for a nice chat and just socialising with wonderful like-minded souls.

Practical: Three days each from 10am to 5pm (or a little later to complete a session). The price is 250 euros, drinks and refreshments included. Do bring your own lunch! If you are looking for a location nearby to stay please give us a call, we have a list of some possible locations nearby. Register via [email protected] of via the registration form below For info, you can always call us directly at 0473791503.

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